He's the sweetest


I was thinking about him
I still can imagine him, right in front of me
I see his bright brown eyes
That make him irresistible

& I ask myself
who’s asking him out on a Saturday night like this
I ask myself
Who’s helping him with the dishes
after a romantic dinner in his classical living room
I wonder who’s thinking,
while she brings the dirty plates to the dresser,

“that he’s the sweetest.”

I wonder
“Why can’t life be like most lovesongs?”

& I don’t know
Who’s laying in his arms right now
& who kisses away the doubts in his mind
Who’s getting lost in his bright brown eyes
But who’ll always think

“That he’s the sweetest.”

& I love to hear it:
“time heals all wounds”
& I will feel sorry
that I bothered everyone with my misery.


I’ll read his letter once more
& try to understand what his words are about
those who always make me long to his voice

& still
I ask myself who’s sleeping with him
If he chases away the spiders in the room for her
Who will put her hand on his body
and quietly tell him

“that he’s the sweetest.”

3 januari 2008


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