When the nights has been to long and lonely, and the day's to short to remember, thru these dark years maybe I have forgotten what love felt like,
every time when I see real love, it say's take a hike.
I'm getting harder and harder from the outside, but softer and softer from the inside.
my face say's I can handle it, while my heart screams for a hug that's real and certainly not cold.
I would do anything for my love, if she could hold me so tight and wont let go, if she could love me like a song that never ends.
In a lady like that I could find a partner for life by my side.
someone who sees the sunrise and thinks about me, someone who is always on my mind sharing everything, our tears and souls must be for ever combined.
there is no easy way to show someone your feelings, only her lovely eye's can tell me if she is appealing.
I'm feeling kind of dizzy in my head, I'm sailing away toward my empty bed
but nobody can stop me dreaming, I will dream the finest dreams, while I spread my wings, like a eagle, I will be far and away flying high above the mountains of loneliness, I see but can not being seen, I feel but can not being felt I know it will never end
that's my love for you, darling you don't have a clue.
In your eye's I see something special, something that I like very much, I felt your kiss on my heart, that felt like a lovely soft touch.
I'm scared to fall in love, the first time was when I was very young only seventeen, and wish your were my dancing queen
I want to hear you breathing, see you laughing hear you talking.
If you are the one who can change my life with faith in God almighty, to make me go happy by each eye contact or by each touch,
if you are the one who kiss me like an angle and never let go, I wont asking to much
and when you come back, I HOPE YOU ARE COMING TO STAY FOR EVER THIS TIME, otherwise stay there where ever you are, because I don't need another heart attack.
4 januari 2008
Actuele beoordeling: 6,75
Aantal stemmen: 4
Daler: -1,58
Aantal hits: 2010
![]() | Datum | Gedicht |
03-01-08 | Horen zien en zwijgen | |
03-01-08 | NU.. | |
03-01-08 | ZWANENZANG | |
02-01-08 | Tomorrow | |
30-12-07 | Denkend aan jou | |
28-12-07 | besef | |
28-12-07 | liefde | |
28-12-07 | dat meisje | |
28-12-07 | jou en mij | |
27-12-07 | Neem me mee op jou weg.. | |
27-12-07 | One Sweet Day I Will found My Lady | |
27-12-07 | Looking For Real Love | |
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27-12-07 | Altijd | |
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27-12-07 | Vooruitzicht | |
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26-12-07 | Love | |
25-12-07 | Liefde om je heen. | |
25-12-07 | Denken aan jou, denken aan mij | |
25-12-07 | Stiekem | |
25-12-07 | Liefdesdans | |
24-12-07 | De juiste keus | |
22-12-07 | Straatje van de zon | |
21-12-07 | even zomaar |
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- B. Desjoemhur
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