These Feelings


It's morning

It's cloudy and misty.
It's cold outside.
I feel tired and empty.
But afterall, it's morning, right?
These feelings should be normal,
But still, I feel really bad.
It's not that kind of morning-feeling,
It even feels like kind of sad.

It's midday

The sun is shining,
And there's a beautiful blue sky.
I should feel delighted and happy by now,
But I feel restless and stressed, without knowing why.
Maybe it's OK, I might have just taken a bad start.
Still I have the idea somethings missing,
But what is it? What's the strange feeling I have here, in my heart?

It's evening

There are lots of stars,
When look straight into the night.
Burned in my brains like everlasting scars,
I see flashes of memories, coming and going with the light.
They are not clear,
They bring me incomplete feelings of sadness and doubt.
And then they are gone,
Before I can see or feel what they're really about.
I keep wondering what's the matter with me...
Cause afterall I have everything I want,
And I am everything I want to be!

And then it's night...

It's dark and quiet,
Time to rest, time to go to bed.
Although I'm very tired,
Somehow I don't feel like sleeping yet.
Still somethings bothering,
Oh, what could it be...
I try to look around and find it,
But because it's so dark, there isn't anything I can see.
So I close my eyes,
And I start thinking about everything I went trough,
Suddenly I start realising whats wrong.
I really thought I was, but apparently, I'm just still not over you...

7 januari 2008


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