I Was Held Captive By Her H-------N Eye's

michael markar

I was held captive by her H - - - - - - - N eye's

I'm walking under the rain, while I'm asking God for a blessing and love for my heart to unchain.

I feel myself locked up, my soul is hungry for love, love of a beautiful woman.

My heart seems have found a warm hiding place, I know the day that I will kiss her, that will be our love birthday.

What does she have, that I find her so interesting, why am I fighting against her enemies, maybe her love cut all of my boundaries, and I made all her enemies standing still like dead trophies, honoring her from all kind of countries.

My heart aches with sorrow, and the only cure will be if she kissed me all night long nicely and slow.

Where ever I walk, at every beautiful spot I wish you were here, walking only for me your famous catwalk without any fear.

I would cover you with love, my darling even the angels look at you with purity and passion and see you like a treasure from above.

When I dream about you, I dream about your head lying on my shoulder, while I speak about love, I kiss your lovely face, and feel like I'm in outer space.

If you only could see yourself with my eye's, for me you are my glowing sunrise.

I want to know before I go, if your kiss will make me smile and let me go on my knee and bow, to ask you to married me and go with the flow.

I was held captive by her H - - - - - - - N eye's

michael markar

14 januari 2008

michael markar


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