This Is My Kind Of Woman

michael markar

I'm looking for a lady who fears God almighty, and not thinking that she is the one who is godly.

She must be humble and proud, she can do anything she wants, only if God allowed.

Baby, beauty from the outside wont last for ever, I want your love and loving soul to capture.

You can tell me a lie, and still look like a lovely butterfly.

I can not be in love with a woman if God comes on second place, that really would be a disgrace, while I'm thinking about what God did for me and His grace.

God say's:honor and love your woman.

I can not do that if I behave like a clown, while I only think about my touchdown.

These day's it's very seldom to find a woman like that, they say they only want to chitchat, and before you know it you are standing on the doormat.

Maybe I'm a stranger in your eye's, but baby believe me when I say this is what I'm missing and God knows it every day, when I bend down my knees and cries.

If you gave God your soul, I know we will reach our happy goal, instead this unreal world which is nothing without God but a stinkhole.

I will never give up my search for real love, God will show us the way, when we finally get involve.

15 januari 2008

michael markar


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