Would you let me slip away


It would be difficult
We knew that from the start
But how could I know
That it would be this hard

Every time
you walk away from me
I know that you are going
back to your “happy” family

And again…
I will be waiting for you
Until you find the time
Like I have nothing better to do

You tell me
you think of me every day
But what if I say goodbye
Would you let me slip away

Do you know
How much this hurts deep inside
And do you know
How little I sleep at night

I just can’t
Get you out of my mind
Sometimes I just wanna
leave it all behind

But then there the fact
that I love you oh sooo much
and I think of your kiss
along with you gentle touch

I think of all the lovely things
You have ever said
And all the “secrets”
We shared in bed

But can’t keep wondering
What would you say
if I say goodbye
Would you …. let me slip away
or would you finally stay

20 januari 2008


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