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Live and let live;
That’s what the always say.

A person isn’t made to be alone.
They can try but you can’t last it forever.

Everything to be happy isn’t always enough to be it.
Being happy? It is very powerful something.
In the good as well as the bad way.

This country is so gray. It feels like I don’t belong here.
The society is so changed.

Everything needs to be fast and good at the same time in the same time-limit.

That’s something that can’t be combined. And that’s where everyting goes wrong. And that leads to conflicts with others.

We need to change it but that’s something that one person cannot change.

And that’s why… I don’t belong here.
Nobody!! Only there’s one problem.

The most don’t even realize it because they are too busy with things.

22 januari 2005


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