To my beloved...

Kristof Van San

When I am alone,
I close my eyes and I think of you.
Then I think I’m with you,
Just being with you means more,
Than all the things in the world.
The moments I’m with you,
Those are moments that I feel me alive.
That is a feeling I can’t explain,
If heaven would be the best of the top,
Than it will be sow much more.
It is a feeling so special,
A feeling that nowone can take away from me.
Nowone give me such a feeling,
Only you can give me that.
I will give everything i have,
For buying a moment with you,
To have that special feeling.
And still I am afraid,
To lose that special feeling.
I don’t ever want to lose that,
That keeps me here and give me strength,
To go on with my life.
I have that special feeling not much,
Because you’re not always be with me.
But the little moments that I have,
I will keep it in my heart.
And then when you are not with me,
I look into my heart and than I know,
That this feeling will stay in my heart,
Till the day I past away,
And then this feeling goes with me to heaven,
Our where I’m going to.
But I will never let it go away,
It is too special for me.
Because it is a feeling from you.

22 februari 2005

Kristof Van San


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