I never felt such emptiness


I never felt such emptiness,
So ravaged, ruined, lost!
Ah! my love, we found our love,
But see what it has cost!
We met upon the Internet
And fell in love through words,
Singing lovely thoughts, as though
We were cyberbirds.

And then you came across the sea
To see me in the flesh,
And it worked out so beautifully,
Our hearts a perfect mesh.

But alas! you could not stay,
Your job forced you back home.
And I could not go back with you,
Once again alone.

My daughter's father won't agree
To let me with her move,
Which means that I must choose between
My daughter and our love.

So cruel a choice I cannot make,
And so I must remain
Separate from you, my love,
And we must bear this pain.

I love you so much that I can't
Believe I brought you sorrow,
But I continue in the hope
Someday will bring tomorrow.

And in the meantime, we've returned
To the place where we first met,
Pursuing our romance across
Our beloved Internet!

18 maart 2005



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