I Loved You


I Thougt

why you didnt tell me you loved him
i thougt what we had was special
well i hope you understand
me hart will be broken
when i see you i think
i gona cry i love you
like no one ever did
i would give me life just for you
you can rune me life just for love me
well i hope your hart will never be broken cause of him
and when he not love you anymore how you explain
i always love you so please come back
well now i have a problem how i can fix me hart
this time you could not help me
do you i understand you love him more then you love me
but if you ever have problems you can lose your hart to me
when you read this you maibe think i still love you
but what i did wrong that you love me
did i something wrong
but cause your verry special to me you dun need to answer that
when i go chat now i think about you
when i go walk outside look at the sky i see you
when i see you at school i dun work i only look to you
but how i can fix me hart?
i dun think i can look at you anymore cause then i gona cry
i dun think i can chat normal anymore cause then i think i gona think about you
what we had or still have
i dun think i can walk outside when i now see sky i only see devil

I Canot

well i canot heal this wounds
i canot heal your love for me
i canot say love me if you dont want
so now i,m scared i gona do that and break your and his hart
so pls dont break his hart
and most importent be sure he wil not break your heart

How i can

How i can Lose these feellings
They are to hard for me
Why i Have These feelings
did i someting wrong to you

19 maart 2005


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