What Is Love All About

michael markar

If you surrender your own will, God will finally reveal him self to you, and you will get to see His love and goodwill.

First you got to leave your own proudnis , before God turns you in a beautiful princess.

One thing you can find out if you are in love with the world and blind, with God you will never
look behind.

Real love does not come with beauty or money.

Love does not come with sexy body while you are dancing and shaking your belly.

What is the meaning of a beautiful woman if she doesn't show me her inner beauty, if she looks like a candy but taste so dirty.

If you are looking for earthly things then you will never be the one who will make my heart go bling bling.

My darling if you want to be treated like a beauty queen, than start to behave yourself like a lady and not like a spoilt teen.


22 februari 2008

michael markar


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