Sometimes I feel like I’m in Paradise
Where I can live with you ‘till we get in Heaven
Everything I do I do it for you sang Bryan Adams
and that’s the truth, for you I do everything and more
you are the star, the moon, the sun, everything to me
and after a couple of days you will see:
We are happy!
Your eyes tell me everything about you;
Sweet, beautiful and funny!
Your mouth that speaks the words I want to hear
and that’s over and clear!
When your mouth speaks out the word ‘Love’
is that the sweetest thing you said and that I have with you
Maybe I’m to naive for you and am I a stupid fool without
colour, sweetness and outward
But remember that you are the reason for my good life and
When I walk away think of me and you and
if you don’t think of that than I’m going to fade away
like a beautiful red rose.
I will always think of you, beautiful rose!
22 februari 2008
Actuele beoordeling: 6,59
Aantal stemmen: 17
Stijger: +0,09
Aantal hits: 8732
![]() | Datum | Gedicht |
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