On The Mountainside.


There he was; On a mountainside..
All alone .. To pray all night
He bowd his head & prayed..
All trough that silent night; He stayed
The next day; Jesus walked to the mountainside
He turned around to see that the amount of people was wide
He talked about the truth.. About the things that we should do ..
About things ; That where not easy but importantly needy
He talked about things that my fellow people & I are not doing
Full of passion but ashamed I want to turn my face to him ..
but I'm scared; Cause everytime I begin I do not hold on ,
& I'm wondering how many times i'm gonna keep fallin of
Once.. I saw the light ; I opened my eyes extreemly wide
I got destracted & looked back and adventually caught some sand in my eyes..
I wanna believe ; I wanna kneel before our most high God
I wanna do anything for my king .. My most high Lord
For it is written ; Have faith .. But do I ? Yess.. But enough ?
will I put more strenght to it when its gettin painfull and rough ..
It is written .. ' Blessed are those who suffer for doing what is right '
With that sentence in my heart i'll pray on a mountainside ; All night,

5 juli 2008


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