Why ?


I wanna make it to the top but somethings blocking me
I wanna love so many people but they are hurting me
Emotionally abusing me .. Totally confusing me
All those little things are breaking me
Taking me to an undiscovered level of pain
making me insane ;I cant controle myself
Im still crying for help
What am I supposed to do when Im all alone
How can I hold strong when your killing me
Ill not change myself to be who you want me to be
Your talkin about me always being angry at all times mad
But you dont see that Im accually sad.
When people say Fuck the world Or fuck you
I ask myself why ? Why dont you just try
But now Im in their position and its not easy
Im trapped in hell and no one can release me
Im faceing the fact that people are cold and fake
Cause i'm strong but your givin me things I cant take
Im all alone .. Carrying the pain im gettin from My family
Crying .. wondering why my socalled ...... is my enemy

7 juli 2008


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