Im Seriously Lost.


Closed up in my room ;
Im hearing voices talk ..
The drama comes too soon
Im feeling the footprint walk
A tear is rolling down suddenly it stopped.
I asked why .. & It said ; Your heart gave a little pop
Im feeling lost.. Im feeling strange
Im feeling things are not going to be rearanged
Theres not a clear fact to be lost ..
Theres not a clear reason to be mad
but together with confusion Im strangly sad.
Emotions running trough me like a crazy girl
A broken heart in my mind like I lost a pearl
My hand is shaking ; My eye is hurting ..
The laugh im faking .. My heart is burning
Learning .. Turning .. Switching; Bitching
about what I should do .. Im really confused
Im fighting with my feelings ; Crying with no reasons
Hiding of my shame ; Lying is not my game ..
Deep down in my heart I know the truth
combined with my head I dont know what to do
Love at my age ,, This is what it caused.
Beginning at the ending ; Yess Im seriously lost.

12 juli 2008


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