God why?


Have I ever did something wrong to you??
Or ever let you down?
I say the end
I don’t wanted this
It may be over but it won't stop there
I have been always there for you
you where my friend. . and my lover
I know you well, I know your smell
I've been addicted to you
You have always been the one for me.
when I wake.. I go downstairs
And I wached you..
but now.. you are not there,
where I wanted you to bee
and when I walk away with you
it feels so lovely
I seen you walk I seen your pain
I've watched you sleeping, it was so nice
I want spend a life time with you
And I love you, I swear that's true
I can not live without you
I want you back in my life..
I really do.. because I cant walk alone away.. !!
We walked to the street oo so long
And now you are gone
And I still hold your picture in my mind
all the day.. and when I sleep
if there some animal go away from me
I did cry.. I did cry a lot
but it stops
but.. just when you did go
I did cry I did cry more
And I still don’t stop crying
I cry all the night
I cry all the daY
this fight is just beenginning
but.. its so hard…you are to deep in my soul !!
I ask before I go to sleep. “god.. whY?”
I still can’t believe it !!

22 juli 2008


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