day after day


Day after day, month after month
There was a voice, a voice inside my head, a voice that tells me how bad I was
A voice that keep telling me that I have to stop with live,
A voice that makes me crazy.

Day after day, month after month
I remember myself how bad my life is,
I remember myself the bad things in my life,
And the pain was so hard and it won’t stop yelling to me that I was bad.

But some friends gave me hands, hands to clime up
Clime up to a new world, a new world to forget the pain and start a new live
And I love the people that make my live completed
That people tell me that there is always a way to come out the pain
That there always are people that cares about you

Day after day, month after month
I pray for that people
And I am proud to say that there are my friends

25 maart 2005



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