your the one for me


Find a guy who calls you beautiful or hot
That’s hard to find someone
You're so cute
You're the one for me

Your perfect,
don't say i'm wrong.
I love you so much,
this is the truth.
I want to stay with you,
till the day that i die
and no that is not a lie.

Just so that you know
That I do care
I care about you
And I want you to know
That whenever you want
I’m there for you

you’re always in my thoughts
No matter where you are
Nothing in the word will drive us apart
Your home is in my heart

I just Want to see you
Want to talk with you
Want to laugh with you
Want to Hugh you
Want to kiss you
Want to love you
Oops, I already love you
So much

15 oktober 2008



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