Desire Within...


Sometimes felt a strange desire,
Wrapped in jokes and bound by play.
However, to afraid to search within,
Then those feelings went away.
So the path they took was unexpected.
Caught her when her guard was down.
Veins filled with alcohol and tension.
Lead to an explosion, somewhere in that town.
Was it just the sin they loved?
Or did lust lead them astray?
Where some feelings here at stake?
Felt so good, took them away.
Tried hard to slow it down,
Failed time and time again.
Hidden in the end of days.
Stolen moments, here and then.
Just when she said that they were through,
Had to stop fooling around.
He came up with, I’ve missed you,
And soon a bed was found.
Taking the all the chances.
Betrayal in each opportunity.
You are my sin and I am yours.
Why? That is a mystery.
It makes him a cheating man.
A wife, two kids, at home full time.
It‘ll cost him everything.
Is it worth this naughty crime?
How well they know to fight these feelings.
How hard that is to do.
Do you know where we are going?.
Do you think that we are through?
Everyone says that it's wrong,
Only for my satisfaction,
To deliberately ruin a marriage.
What causes this attraction?
The hunted now became the huntress,
Strangely not yet to be fulfilled.
Morality versus adultery.
No feelings here of guilt.
Let me be your mistress,
Lust and love, both within.
Undress me and seduce me
Take me closer to your skin
I know it has no future
Nor do I want that to.
It’s just a fantasy,
It never happened.
So, there won’t be any prove...

24 december 2008


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