My Moonlight

michael markar

I don’t want you to be another torn page in my life book, I would really be sad not to see you again, not to touch your face anymore again.

Every day I go to bed with a hart full of tears, tears of sorrow and sometimes happiness, that’s de battle I have to face every day.

I wonder, will this feeling disappear one day? Or shall I take it with me till the grave.

I’m sick and tired to be tortured like that, tired to have consideration for everyone except for me.

When you are not with me, I feel empty, all kind of woman that I see are so beautiful but not one is alive like you are, all are so rich but nobody feeds me like you do.

Oh my sweet princes, I want to measure your body with my lips, and recon with my heart.

I want to carry you to the moon; the sun will not be needed to lighten up the moon, because you will be my moonlight.

I will make love to you there on the moon, and your beauty shall call all the stars like a magnet, our body’s shall melt down and become as one we will fall down in a form of tears raining in sweet honey over the earth.

where ever I go nobody can make me say anything, but you, baby Youu, You make me cry and say ahhhh.

11 december 2009

michael markar


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