Don't give up


It’s crazy how life goes on. Before you realize things have been changed, it’s too late. I love the way it was, but perhaps it will never return. You can’t let things go when it keeps coming back. Everything has 2 sides, but you can just chose one. It’s hard, it always will be. After, you’re waiting for the moment unhappiness will return. Safe the future before it can’t be saved anymore. Don’t do the thing you can do the best; don’t leave. Just take a deep breath and go on. Find the power for yourself, not just the power you have for him. The only thing you can do is wait, you can’t be any faster than time is. Wait for the moment things will be different again. It hurts , it really does. But what does it matter? Nothing. How can you be happy if you can’t remember how it feels like? You can’t. Things will get normal. Crying through the night, I hate it, but I don’t care to cry for you. You’re making me cry even when you’re not doing anything. Maybe this is the way I’m happy, just the way I want to. Missing you is better than losing the one you loved the most. And falling in love is the worst thing that can happen, but forget it is even harder. So just don’t forget it, don’t give up the hope you always had. You have to safe your own life before you can save others. Nothing ever hurt like you, but you’re just the best I’ve ever had. I wished I could tell you how much I love you.

22 december 2009



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