michael markar

When I kiss her lip, I know she is for me more than a friendship.

When I look into her eyes, they make me happy more than any sunrise.

When our body’s for the first time touch, in all my memories I have never experience that love can be so much.

They say nobody is perfect in this world really, but in my eye’s I see her in everything perfectly.

Even when she would break my hart, I still would love her with the little pieces left apart.

If I would choose between being dead and still being with you, or alive and not having your love, I rather be dead knowing that your love can wake me up out of the darkness, baby I wont go for less.

Every time when you stand next to me, I hear your hart talking to me, every beat of your precious hart tells me that you miss me, and how closer you come how faster you talk .

Baby I need you, I don’t want you to go away, and I need you more each day in my life, just let me be your sacrifice.

I need you because you are in my eyes so wonderful every single day, baby; that’s all what I have to say today.

4 januari 2010

michael markar


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