Tears for hope


Tears came falling from the sky,
and they were needed, cause the earth was dry.
A flower grew, and decided to stay,
but she couldn’t take this pain away.

I tried to save her, being her guard,
afraid that she would fall apart.
I built her a wall, to keep her save.
But locked her in this deep dark cave.

After all this time,
I can finally hear her scream.
She doesn’t want to be alone,
she just wants to get out of this dream.

That’s all it is, it’s not for real,
It never trusts, it doesn’t heal.

The wall is gone, but it’s okay,
because I know I want to stay.
It might still hurt, but I’ll be fine.
I can’t heal they’re pain, I can’t heal mine.

Tears came falling from my heart,
It doesn’t mean I will fall apart.
It means I’m finally gone be free,
and that’s all I always wanted to be.

7 mei 2010


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