I'm a little drunk and I need you now

Marjolijn Winter

Can’t do anything but sitting
Thinking ‘bout you
Crying ‘bout you
Quiet, lonely and by myself
Will I ever be,
That’s the question.

Will I ever be,
Without you,
Happy again.

It’s a whole new experience
And wish I could say,
It’s ok.
Baby, remember these words
I whisper softly and gentle
I do love you

You need to know
That life’s without you
Nothing more than,
Surviving that damn hard world
Wish I can do it on my own
Without you

I can’t, I don’t want it
Why you did this
What did I do wrong?
Can you explain
Why you did this to me
Cause I need to fight

Alone, lonely, separate, single and individual.

Do I ask to much?
Do I yell to much?
Do I scream to much?
Do I cry to much?

Can’t sleep now
It’s early in the morning
I’m so scared!
You know you’re my hero
My only one

Need to go outside
Let the wind take my soul
You know

She’s singing
‘have to know, that I can be myself’
But if you can,
Tell me,
How can I be myself
Without you..

12 juli 2010


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