Nothing as true as.


These feelings i get, are full with pain and reject, with beautiful memories i won’t forget..
The love we shared was unique, with feelings I’ve never really understand before..
You we’re not only the love of my life, but you we’re my best friend too..

And it’s fucked up to see you suffer, and give me a try for getting a better life, because you’re wishing the best for me.
‘’While I’m only thinking of you and dreaming of you’’.

I want the best for you, so I’m giving you your space.
But when time comes, I will try to light up your fire and try to give you a happy face.

My love for you goes deep, deeper than the deepest sea..
My love for you is tougher than the strongest hurricane,
And my love for you is the truest thing you are ever going to taste.

I know I’m still in your head, I know you still care.
Please don’t let go of me, while you know I’m still there.
I won’t let u crawl, I won’t let you fall, I will certainly be there when you are straight heading down.
Remember me when you are down and when you need me I will always be around.

12 februari 2011



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