
Just me

One day you can have the time off your life ..
Feeling on top of the world…
Having fun with friends…
Laughing your ass off…
You hear the things you want to hear..
You get to feel so good..
You think that nothing can touch you…
Like nothing can break you..
It’s the most wonderful feeling..

And then like thunder and lightening…
You get struck down…
You didn’t expect it…
Just out of the blue…
You feel broken and hurt…
Alone and sad…
Angry and deceived…
It’s the most horrible feeling…

Just in a wink of an eye your hole world can change…
And no matter what happens…
The only thing you want in the world..
Is that wonderful feeling back again…
To feel loved and understood…
Surrounded with laughter and friends..
You’ll feel hole again…
Everything will make sense again…

Because only your true friends understand you…
They know what your feeling..
Without even asking, they know what your thinking…
It’s a special band that can’t be broken…
Even true the roughest times…
They will stand by you…
No matter what happens…

22 november 2011


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Aantal hits: 2740

Recente gedichten in de categorie Vriendschap

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