
Just me

The day you stepped back into my life …
Was the day I started to live again…
Friends for life…
No matter what anybody thought…

We were there for each other…
When we needed someone to talk to…
Just to hear a friendly voice..
That would guide us to reason..

You gave me a reason to keep breathing..
To never give up…
You gave me strength…
To keep on fighting…

I never lost a fight…
Always raise as a winner
Until now…
It was the hardest one yet…

I reached across great lengths
Testing my strengths…
What I had to offer wasn’t enough?
Please, fuck off

The only one you are deceiving is your self..
Even tough I lost my reason
In the passing of a season
I can’t forget the voice of reason

I hope your happy?
That’s all that matters…
Read true the words in the letters…
You know my hearth…

I will never forget you
And will keep hoping…
I have trouble coping…
That you don’t either

22 november 2011


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Recente gedichten in de categorie Vriendschap

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