
Just me

A band that can’t be broken
It’s to strong…
It goes beyond all logic…

You will stand by them…
As they by you…
Even in the hardest times…
And impossible situations..

They will protect you..
And watch over you…
What ever they do…
Is out of love for you..

No matter where they are…
You will never forget them…
And they will never forget you…
You are forever banded…

They give you a special feeling…
Of security and undying love….
A place where you can be your own..
Where few words are enough…

Actions speak louder than words…
A look, a touch, a hug, a kiss…
They know what to do and what you need….
Without even telling them…

Always remember that they will be there…
They will guide you…
Watch over you…
And keep you safe…

22 november 2011


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