To the love of my life: Jennifer

Dearon J.

Since the first day i saw you
i knew it was true
no one else could ever make me feel this way
the warmth, the butterflies, the love
only you, and already from the very first day

when i am at work, i think of you
when i walk with the dogs, i think of you
when i take a shower, i think of you
even in my dreams, you are there!

you are my world,
the sun the moon, the stars, the rivers and the trees
you are my life,
the blood in my vains, the air that i breathe
you are my everything

only you can make me happy
only you can make me smile
your love really does make everything seem worthwile

in april ill be there
well finally be together
i know its gonna be great
cuz i will be with you
and thats the best thing ever

i will hug and cuddle with you
all day and night
kiss you every day
and hold you so tight!
make love, as long as we want
what do you say ? ;)

i love you with all my heart body and soul
my love for you goes deeper then anything i ever felt
you made me complete, whole
there is nothing i wouldnt do for you
baby, id die for you

2 januari 2012


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