

Having you around me makes me feel like I succeed.
I met this person lovely and kind, with a good heart within inside.
She made it possible to even, feel!
You make me smile, yes for real.
This connection we have, influences the deepest affections of my heart and when we met there was this spark, which pulled me sort of out of the dark.
Here I stand right in front of you, looking into your eyes knowing what i´m feeling for you is what you might feel for me too.
You might be confused, maybe you´ve never imagined you could feel for the same gender too.
Love is love, it´s a part of your emotional feelings of your soul.
There´s no need to worry about it at all.
Cause girl I know I can love you right,
And together we´ll fight us through this crazy life.
To exist is hard enough, to be and stand strong is something tough.
But this love is a gift from above.

1 februari 2012



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