Now all those things belong to the past,
And for me this is the last,
Way of saying that I gave all i had to give,
I hope you find the strength to live,
Live for our children,
And give them the oppurtunities that we've never had,
It all comes back to you in the end,
Sometimes the neccesary evil aint that bad.
We fought,
Got back up,
We fucked, and we screamed,
We lived and we dreamed,
You, you were mine,
For you, I walked the line,
I gave up and I died,
I got back up and I cried,
But for you it wasnt enough,
You laughed and packed you stuff.
Now I see you crying on my shoulder,
And like all those times before,
It felth like I carried your boulder,
But this time I won't fall for it again,
Because i toughend up and became a man.
I'm not saying that I don't care for you anymore,
but all those things you did,
It really closed the door,
I hoped you cared back then when I was on my knees,
That you'd pick me up and whisper like a warm summer breeze.
You didnt care back then,
So why the hell should I?
Now toughen up little lady,
And maybe,
You should say goodbye.
Tears don't count even if it makes me sad,
Neither will smile be a charmer,
Because I grew harder,
Just get the fuck off with that.
23 maart 2012
Actuele beoordeling: 0,00
Aantal stemmen: 0
Aantal hits: 2746
![]() | Datum | Gedicht |
10-02-12 | Woorden | |
11-10-11 | liefde | |
07-09-11 | 5 jaar... | |
24-05-11 | jij en de wind | |
27-04-11 | Je eerste liefde | |
07-04-11 | Zoveel kansen | |
02-03-11 | traan | |
01-11-10 | It hurts so bad | |
26-10-10 | Je ogen zijn koud | |
14-10-10 | Wakker worden | |
12-10-10 | door de wolken heengezakt | |
12-10-10 | afgepakt door je beste vriendin | |
02-10-10 | De pijn | |
14-09-10 | Liefdesverdriet | |
28-07-10 | I'm too big to cry. | |
27-07-10 | Forever Gone | |
21-07-10 | ik zal je nooit vergeten | |
16-07-10 | Jackie | |
12-07-10 | I'm a little drunk and I need you now | |
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20-06-10 | Wat ik jou ook zeg.. | |
19-06-10 | GESLOTEN HART, | |
13-05-10 | Jij, ja jij | |
13-05-10 | Aangetast | |
13-05-10 | Kom terug |
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