how much I've missed you


Last year was an amazing year with all of my friends,
We went together in the pub, again and again,
But everywhere I stood, I sat, I lay and I walked through,
You crossed my mind, my heart is blinded only by you.
New friends came into my life, last year was so great.
A lot of days were filled with all the fun that we made,
Friends will always come and go, it makes you fall apart,
But whatever the future brings, you’re always in my heart.
How many nights should I have had those dreams about you?
How many times should I have prayed that those dreams came true,
The day that we will meet again comes so close to me,
Should you kiss me so sweet again, or how should it be?
Are the feelings still so strong or is it all gone,
I hope our love will raise again to stand very long.
The chance to that is actually to small to be true,
Despite to that, there’s still a chance that I can stay with you.
And if you want that, how can we make our love to stay?
How can we be together if you live so far away?
I should travel the whole world, only to touch your hands,
But can I really go away from all of my friends?
How about all those evenings on the sofa or in the pub?
How about all that fun we make, should I give that all up?
In some of my sweet dreams you want to make you my wife,
But if that happens one of us should give up it’s life.
You won’t give up your study, I wwon’t give up my friends,
I already gave up the hope that our love will stand.
But deep inside I hope the future is for us two,
In a view days I will show you how much I’ve missed you.

28 juli 2012


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