I just wanna sleep...


I'm so tired of telling people i'm fine when i'm clearly not

So fed up with telling people that i'm tired or feel sick

I know some see right trough my lies

But they don't try to push me

I know it's because they really don't want to know my problems

They have issues of their own...

And even if they did ever push me to tell them

I don't know how i would tell them how i feel

They might understand but i couldn't even explain it

How depressed i am

How angry and confused i am

How ashamed i am of myself

How my constant need to seem happy and okay leaves

me completely drained at the end of the day

And how i have to leave the light on in my room at night

Because i'm scared of everything

How my pillow is soaking sometimes when i go to sleep

How my eyes are red and puffy from crying

My hand is stiff from writing poetry to try and relieve
some of the ache in my heart

I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again.

26 februari 2014


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