

If There is a god
What would he want us to be
Are we ment to be happy with each other
We're we went to treat each other cruel
Perhaps life is just a test
And once your finnished they say
You can go to heaven
But only if you lived ok

Sometimes I thought these things
Cause I Couldn't figure out
What's the point in living
If my light will eventualy burn out

I was searching for an answer
One that could tell me without a doubt
That this life is worth living
Even when the lights are burning out

A wise man then told me he knew the answer
Wise man said love is the key
But that answer wasn't satisfing enough for me

So I continued searching
It took me many day's and night's...

And I found out
That Love was all around
It was just hard for me to see
That there are people who really care for me

Now I can continue living
With the strengt to carry on
Cause I understand now that the love will never be gone

And I see now why god made us
He just needed to feel it to
That someone cared about him
Just like we ordinary humans do

19 april 2005



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