You appear into my little existence;
You invite me to talk, I feel the resistance.
I don’t want to be dependent on you;
And I don’t want to bind myself emotionally too.
You make a journey through my mind,
Your reassuring words are making me blind.
Full of respect, I listen to your voice;
It feels like I have no other choice.
You put too much well meant energy in me
To win my suspicious faith and let me see
How the world works and who I am,
How to handle unwise people and how to manage them.
You do everything to persuade me that your words are sincere;
I let you feel my fear by showing a tear.
It gave me a lot of worries inside,
But I finally win this battle and it gives me pride.
Now I can talk with you without any sense of shame,
Speaking my heart is becoming the aim.
I feel so good, so strong, but please don’t leave me behind;
That will have such a failing impact on my mind.
But my fear is not a mental creation,
See, it’s again a confirmation!!!
You left me standing in that icy cold rain
I can feel that nasty stinging pain.
It makes me feel gloomy, it tears me inside,
How can I be so stupid, that I always retried?
A slap in my face, so thoughtless acted,
To blind for attention, too much attracted.
I hoped I wouldn’t make the same mistake
over and over again,
But I don’t have a working phenomenal plan.
I am sure that I will hurt myself once more,
Just like all those times before!
But maybe one day I can say with pride,
I have found someone who will stay my whole life right by my side!
28 juli 2004
Actuele beoordeling: 5,66
Aantal stemmen: 410
Daler: -0,01
Aantal hits: 6785
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