Draw a line for me!


Hey girl, why do you have to cross that line?
You don’t need that struggle, just to do it all fine.
So bury that hatchet and listen to your inner voice,
You know you can do it, so make that choice!

A pat on the back,
A kiss on the cheek
Is all I wanted too,
But it sounds so weak.

I know I get older
But I still need a hand on my shoulder
Not ready to go,
To make my own show

To much pressure to do it alone,
I can not develop on my own
Help me to handle my thoughts inside,
Organize them so I don’t have to hide.

I just want to provoke your reaction,
If I screw it up, would you still give me affection?
That’s why I sometimes need to cross that line,
Just to know if the world is safe and I am doing it fine!

28 juli 2004


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