

She rests now as a happy child
In the gardens of paradise
Cos a loss like this is never mild
That god should end her life

With sorrows and frowns
We look back at this day
So whenever you’re down
Think of her smiling face

So in grace and in memory
She will never be forgot
Even with this terrible tragedy
Hope is never to be lost

None can ease her passing
Everyone is hurt
Even when the lights darkening
She lives on in the earth

With curly hair and a smile
Death we should not fear
We remember all those that died
And so our soul sheds a tear

We could never forget that moment
When you found she passed away
All those weeping have our condolence
As we look to the sky and pray

Rest eternal grant to them O lord
And let perpetual light shine upon them:

21 mei 2005



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