rock bottom


i feel like walking a tight rope on a circusnet,
i should be used to lying alone in my bed,
i'm a nervous wreck,i deserve respect,
working in sweat for this worthless check
she broke my heart,i wish it were my neck
but she couldnt help it it was all the dope and crack,
they took her as if she were crazy,she wasn't coming back.

and she never did,we were both a kid
i used to feel healthy and i used to feel fit,
everywhere i went i fell in piles of shit,
and of of my own sorrowmaking,i couldn't get rid
i couldnt get up,all i did was sit
and everytime i got up,something came and bit..
me in my heart,so i kept going back in my sit

then lightning came and u came to ease my pain,
and u made me feel like i was standing in a train
now your stuck in my heart and stuck in my brain,
I just need to know if its my foult that u left me in the rain,
your love was like blood,and i was the vain,
I guess I might take a holyday to spain.. :-)

but if I ever feel happy again,
I would be with u,damn,I'm a worthless man.

8 augustus 2004


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