
Gert Felix

now i know, now i feel
the passion turned into nerves of steel
and believe me, i shall not forget
the day our lips finnally met
the day it was born
i will not regret

the anger remains
dwelling invain
pouring out rage
that flies away
there is only 1 thing that stands in my way

i can never show, what seems to be
the sadness stored inside of me
cause when i will free
the sadness in me
the whole world will see
that not even God will hear it's plea

the anger remains
dwelling invain
pouring out rage
that flies away
there is only 1 thing that stands in my way

when hate turns to anger
and anger to hate

i will be left lonely
to face my fate
and i will walk alone
on a cold surface of stone
alone i will be, alone at last
there i will fight the shades of the past

the anger remains
dwelling invain
pouring out rage
that flies away
there is only 1 thing that stands in my way

i now see that a cruel path lies ahead
but i won't give up, not until i'm dead
soon i will be dragged of my stone
torn away,from my path, no longer alone
the fight will then commence
one of us both will be then ,spoken to in past tense

the anger remains
dwelling invain
pouring out rage
that flies away
there is only 1 thing that stands in my way

18 juni 2005

Gert Felix


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