some world, some nature.


a flower is something of nature,
a garden is something personly,
a three is something better,
but a forest is always my matter,
a river is something from earth,
but an ocean is from the bird,
al those people who living on they earth,
they making the same as I do.
Some people are crying,
some peolpe are laughing,
some people are yelling,
our some people are dying,
nobody knows the world enough,
only the people who's caring for: nature, earth, animals and something like that,
some people wants to destroy our kill you,
but you're not same way as I do,
If youre helping the world and nature,
your good,
but If your won't helpin,
your bad,
its making a different world our a part,
but your alway's begin with the start,
Some World, Some Nature,
but I've got to end this,
because I'm true diss.


22 juli 2005



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