Dear mama


dear mama,
there is something you should know,
you alway's hated me so,
i feel down and my head hangslow,
i know those words won't have meaning to you,
but i've made up my mind,
and i know what to do,

dear mama,
you're the first to hear and the last,
you never listened verywell so,
i'll talk clearly won't talk fast,
you never cared so,
even now you shouldnt be sad,
i needed love from you,
but you couldnt bring it up,
so i'm loving you the same way too,

dear mama,
don't tell me its not fair what i do,
i'm like my mother so,
i'm acting the same way as you do,
i'm sick of the way you loved me,
but i won't hurt you,
i yust wanna be happy,

dear mama,
lett me tell you the way it is,
i won't tel it again, so,
listen carefully when i tell you this,
i'm leaving you behind, i'm going away,
but this time for good,
i can't bare it to stay,

dear mama,
because of all you'r hate,
i'm ending my life now,
i'm sorry,
for the sympathy its far to late,

dear mama,
don't cry,
i know that those tears
are another lie.

23 juli 2005



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