yOuré SeCretS are Safe with me


Lay your head on my pillow
Here you can be yourself
No one has to know what you are feeling
No one but me and you

I won't tell your secrets
Your secrets are safe with me
I will keep your secrets
Just think of me as the pages in your diary

I feel such a connection
Even when YOU'RE far away
Oooo baby if there's anything that you fear
CALL 4-8-9 46 0-8 and I'll be here

I won't tell your secrets
Your secrets are safe with me
I will keep your secrets
Just think of me as the pages in your diary

Only we know what IS talked about BABY, BOY
I don't know how you can be DRIVING me so crazy, BOY
Baby when your in town why don't you come around,BOY
I'll be the loyalty you need,YOU CAN TRUST ME, BOY
I won't tell your secrets
Your secrets are safe with me
I will keep your secrets
Just think of me as the pages in your diary

EVERYBODY SAY (whoa echo) repeat 4x
I WON'T TELL (I won't tell echo) repeat 3x

Lay your head on my pillow
Here you can be yourself
No one has to know what you are feeling
No one but me and you

I won't tell your secrets
Your secrets are safe with me
I will keep your secrets
Just think of me as the pages in your diary

I feel such a connection
Even when you far away
Oooo baby if there's anything that you fear
Come forth and call 4894608 and I'll be here

I won't tell your secrets
Your secrets are safe with me
I will keep your secrets
Just think of me as the pages in your diary

And only we know what talked about baby
Don't know how you can be driven me so crazy
Baby when your in town why don't you come around
Be the loyalty you need you can trust

I won't tell your secrets
Your secrets are safe with me
I will keep your secrets
Just think of me as the pages in your diary

11 augustus 2005


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