Far away

Estar/ Estella

So many thought…so many feelings…..
So much words to describe…cant choose the right one’s
When I start with a line….I cant finish it, cause before I get to the point, i cant remember what point I wanna reach….
Confused, my mind is a mess…
What is happening to me…
Doing what I have to do, have to keep busy
Not let my mind wonder of….
Don’t wanna let my mind wonder of to the great hours I spend with you…

But at night, when I loose control over my mind….
You will appear….
As a dream you came by…
And Im sure, while sleeping, I will have a smile on my face
But to awake in the morning, its even harder to realise that you are far away…
Its just not enough to have you in my hart…
If I reach my hand…I wanna touch you…
If I look around me I wanna found youre eyes looking back at me…

Why, why why…why is that the men I wanna spend time with,
The men that gives me a great feeling
The men where I can be myself with…
So far away from me….

16 september 2005


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