Endless love

Aleid Guijt

Time is tikking, the upcoming sun has shown her light a thousand times..
The feeling is taking over.My heart is free but also a prison.
Someone that i have been searching for is right there.
I am in that circle of love,i wish i could give it to you.
You are with me, the pain, the confusings but also the happiness.
Strange and unexplaned.I quess this is something that is not made for words but just for one look..and a touch.
It’s enough to go on for a while.
You have learned me to say it,i did not walk away this time.
This strength is life,your memory just won’t dissapeare.
Love past me by a couple of times and maybe it will pass me by again.
But finding you ,hold you a few times, to see your soul, thats a desire inside of me.
I can look in your eyes for ever..it will never bore me..i can listen to your stories for ages....it will intigretate me..you know what’s inside..what scares me..you made it open..
I wish i could give you something more and be yours.
I will not go on with the thought that i have to wake up every morning thinking about how i would feel when you were there.
And faith will deside our way.
I will close my eyes sometimes and reach you..so you can feel it.
Try to find out your fears..your dreams...
I have given you a part of me..keep it safe..i will ask you that part someday ore give you the other part.
Thank you for seeing that little child in me that is allowed to cry and say stupid things sometimes.

4 oktober 2005

Aleid Guijt


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