No hope..


They say to move on.
They say to cope.
You'll find someone better.
You just need hope.

Well hope is a hard thing to find.
When the only love in your life.
Has walked away.
Leaving you in strife.

How can you have hope?.
When there was only one person.
Who helped u through thick and thin.
Takes away all your reason.

Where do I find hope?.
When everything I've ever believed in.
Comes crashing down to an end.
Leaving me in out in the open.

Could you find hope?.
When all is lost.
And cannot be found.
No matter the cost.

When my trust. betrayed.
My heart thrown to the ground.
My love forgotten.
My head staying down.

I see that there is no hope.
And no longer will the stars shine.
Just a pure darkness cast over me heart.
'Til the end of time.

1 november 2005


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