reflection, Suicide girl.


You don\'t know the girl I see,
I look in my mirror and wonder who is she,
I look in to here, I can\'t see she\'s hiding,
Here eyes are red so she\'s must have been crying,

She\'s awake late at night,
she\'s get hurt by here fears,
she\'s been trying to fight,

drops of bright red blood, fall on to the floor,
planning here suicide, here pain wants to cut more,

scared to fall scared to die,
nobody could help here as she lived a lie,
I look in to my mirror and the girl was holding a knife,
she\'s looks so scared, what happend to here life,

I wish i could help here, but it is to late,
there where screams, pain, blood and hate,

I look in my mirror and the girl was gone,
I\'m no one,
faith and happyness was lost and the truth was found,
I couldn\'t hide the girl any more,
and I felt to the groud.

5 november 2005



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