Problems and friends


A lot of people, don't know who I am
A lot of people, seee me as a stupid girl
They don't mean what they say
They all are lying to me, I'm sick of it

I won't let it go
I'm better then they are, I know
Never again, it has to stop
Or they will be, so down, like I want

My real friends say that they love me
My real friends are talking to me
When I need them, they are there
And when I've got problems they help me

They say that they'll never forget me
They say that they will stop it
All my troubles are now away
Because I found my friends and my space

I need some attention
I need some love
Of the good one
Then it will never stop

My name is who I am
My name is what I am
The rest off my life
It had to stop, and it stopped

I'll forget my problems
But never my friends
They are the best
And that's what counts in my life!!

19 november 2005


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