False hope


Again and again,
You give me false hope...
I’m so sick of it!
But still I care about you...

Dreaming of you talking to me,
Wish you would really care this time..
You still have my heart,
No matter what you do..

Could it be that we’re gonna be together...
Is there hope I’ll ever kiss you..
Just tell me for real,
Do you or don’t you care??!!

I know you don’t give a damn,
But I still wanna try...
Whatever it takes,
I want you so bad...

Maybe, one day, I’ll give up..
I don’t know yet..
Life goes on I guess..
But you’ll always be on my mind..

Feeling I’m gonna crash,
The tears coming up..
Thinking of you now,
Tomorrow, forever..

The world’s so cold without you,
Everything’s so damn hard..
You make everything so easy,
With your silly jokes..

You’re always trying to help,
That makes this so difficult..
I try not to think there could be more,
Just knowing it won’t come true..

23 november 2005



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